work environments
Posted by Jbu Guatemalan
It feels good to be back in my groove. Late nights of editing and blaring music. I constantly wonder how other people's work enviroment must look like compared to mine or other artist.

I have 2 editing rituals:
A. I barricade myself in my room. I put on the most weird visual movie I own which is usually Across the Universe or Where the Wild Things Are although lately, I've killed 2 birds with 1 stone by Putting on Sucker Punch because The fight scenes are out of this world but actually the big selling point of the movie for me was it's soundtrack. It may have the best cover of "Where is my Mind" that I have ever heard and I stand by that statement. I have an Amp ( I outgrew monsters) , my trusty Wacom Tablet (Every designer/photographer should have one).
2. I do the same thing minus being a hermit and changing that with just hanging out with my roomates and friends. It just depends on the mood. It's funny, sometimes I need interaction with other people to really do a photo justice. Going to a university with other photographers and designers is really helpful for that or it was lol but you know what I mean.
I have 2 editing rituals:
A. I barricade myself in my room. I put on the most weird visual movie I own which is usually Across the Universe or Where the Wild Things Are although lately, I've killed 2 birds with 1 stone by Putting on Sucker Punch because The fight scenes are out of this world but actually the big selling point of the movie for me was it's soundtrack. It may have the best cover of "Where is my Mind" that I have ever heard and I stand by that statement. I have an Amp ( I outgrew monsters) , my trusty Wacom Tablet (Every designer/photographer should have one).
2. I do the same thing minus being a hermit and changing that with just hanging out with my roomates and friends. It just depends on the mood. It's funny, sometimes I need interaction with other people to really do a photo justice. Going to a university with other photographers and designers is really helpful for that or it was lol but you know what I mean.