Big Week

Posted by Jbu Guatemalan
This may have been the biggest week of Art related news in my life so I felt like I should stop neglecting my Art blog for a moment.

I actually won my first ARt related award this week, earning a silver NWAAF ADDY award for a brochure cover I designed for " NEW York & CO". Crazy! I found out about this contest at 10 in the morning one day and had till 3pm to submit an advertisement but i actually managed to pull things together in time to submit something. 1hr photo @ walgreens saved my life haha.

Moving on.

As of yesterday I officially applied for Hallmarks Creative/Style Photographer summer internship. I can't think of a more highly competitive photography internship i could have picked so while my fingers are crossed, I refuse to let myself get my hopes up.

Wrapping things up, I just found out today that I have been nominated for "Photographer of the Year" at this years JBU Artie Awards Show. Words cannot express how excited and humbled I am by this announcement! Congrats to all the nominee's .

Posted by Jbu Guatemalan
Watching my No#1 Favorite movie today. This movie reminds me of how cool movies can be from a creative standpoint and has always inspired me. The director shot all of this movie using non-CGI effects and it's awesome. My favorite acting from both Jim Carey and Kate Winslet.


Advertising: Best NFL Ad of 2011

Posted by Jbu Guatemalan


Snow In AR

Posted by Jbu Guatemalan
Unless you've been living under a rock the past couple of days, you've probably heard that Northwest Arkansas and Oklahoma got owned by a ridiculously huge blizzard this week, and by that i mean 24.5 inches of snow fell within a 24hr window. Schools have been shut down , mailed delayed, and you know it's getting bad when Walmart's ceiling is bowing because of the weight of the snow on top.

seeing as i've had a lot of time on my hands , here are some "snowy day" edits that I put together yesterday as I slowly went through my whole Netflix instant que yesterday.


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